sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

I completely forgot about this blog 'cause I saw that I wasn't gettin posted or something so like I thought it was kind of boring.
Anyway, I'll try to find out some way to comunicate with people, 'cause that'd be absolutely great and i'd feel better to upload stuff :)



miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

IES Bendinat

Here we areeeeee!

Lady Gaga custom

Men in black custom.

Such a great time with you all <3


Summer moved on

Friendships moved on and until the day you can't tag along. Handhsakes unfold and the way it goes no one knows. Moments will pass in the morning light I found out seasons can't last and there's just one thing left to ask... Stay. Don't just walk away and leave me another day, a day just like today with nobody else around.


Cuanto tiempo sin escribir nada. Entre que he tenido exámenes, trabajos, que se me estropeó el portátil etc... Ni me he pasado por aquí... Jajaja en fin, voy a cumplir con mis obligaciones y a ver si saco un poco de tiempo libre para hacer lo que me dé la gana.


Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir.

martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Leaning on the action, caught in a cellphone's rays. Bleeding on the sofa starting at the waistline. He's coming and she knows it, even though she knows why. Footsteps in the hallway, girl you haven't got time. You gotta get out... Go far away... [...] Darkness in the bedroom, maybe she's resting up, maybe she was outraged just come back from the club. I can't hear her breathing, something doesn't seem right. Killer in the hallway, we're living on a set time. We gotta get out... Go far away...

Such a beautiful videoclip (in my opinion) by my second favourite music band! Weird and scary lyrics though... hahaha
And after doing my homework and uploading some stuff in here and check each webpage, I'm going to start studying history (WWI, cool after all, huh?) even though it's for thursday...
Have a nice day!


Just stay where you are if there's nothing to hide.


jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Well, yeah, a long time without writing new stuff... I was kinda busy with exams etc...
Fortunately today was the last exam of the week, so I'm looking forward the weekend, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
I'm soooo excited because on saturday I'm going to practice with the girls of my dancing crew again! (That's why I put that video of my favourite dancer... She's awesomeeeeeeeeeeee!)
And well... Just going to sleep after being all the week sleeping just 5 hours each day or something like that because of studying... But in the end it was worth it!

Btw, as usual... Missing my swedish guys! :(

Goodnight everybody!


"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends. To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” 


jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Time of my life

Right heeeere a video I did myself, which explains exactly my feelings and stuff... How much I love and miss them... Just everything. I'm looking forward to travel to Gotland and embrace them all just as I used to do while I was there. I think I cannot imagine my life without meeting them at least once more. So, well, yeah, swedish people are awesome, and everyday I realize it more and more. I'm so freakin glad I knew them, cz it's like one of the best things I've done in my whole life. You can say I'm mad, that I actually don't even know them well... But I actually don't care neither, so I'll answer they're 'something' I needed, something I loved and cried for (cz of the farewell). And right now, when I talk to them, when I text them somewhere... I cannot prevent this feeling of absence inside me, the absence that produces me the fact to not being close to them.


And weeeeelll, here we're into the routine of highschool... Keep on going on. 
Great stuff: Cannot wait to go to Germany in April.
And waiting for summer, to take a ticket and fly away from this island to 'the another one'... Gotland (Sweden). Trying hard to convince my parents, even if I have to pay my own ticket. Fight!


miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

When I'm falling down, will you pick me up again? When I'm too far gone, dead in the eyes of my friends... Will you take me out of here when I'm staring down the barrel? When I'm blinded by the lights? When I cannot see your face? Take me out of here, take me out of here, take me out of here... 


Awesome music band... This video is such awesome, so beautiful. I love it! 
They came to Majorca (Spain) last year I think... And I'm really sorry I couldn't go cz they didnt let me... Wish life gives me another opportunity to do it!
Btw, next week already with exams so... -.-' Booring!
