martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Live to dance, dance to live.

Find me, haha!

Exhibición 2010... ¡Salió bastante bien después de prepararla tanto tiempo...!

Exhibición 2011. Qué decir de esta... Salió medianamente bien, puesto que lo tuvimos que preparar con rapidez. Casi 5 minutos de coreografía de cada una... Pues bueno, mas o menos bien al final. ¿O no?

El año que viene más. ¡Y mejor!
Os adoro niñas <3

Girls just wanna have fun.


viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2011

Southern belles in London sing

Estoy muy cansada así que lo haré breve...
Me encantan los violines de esta canción, a pesar de que no es nada del otro mundo y tiene una letra extraña, ME ENCANTA... 
Y nada más que decir, ya última semana de estrés. Cada día falta menos.

El corazón, si pudiera pensar, se pararía.


miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Please, peace and relax, come to me again... Can't stand it anymore. My brain is going to explote. 
Todo sea por el futuro... Un par de semanas más de estrés y ya estará... por el momento. 

No pedí a la vida otra cosa salvo que no me exigiera nada.


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011


Us presento en "Rainbow", el meu cuc, encara que ho serà per poc temps. El dia que vaig fer la fotografia (ahir) segurament estava cercant un lloc per realitzar la metamorfosi, aquesta es la raó per la qual he fet l'afirmació d'abans; d'aquí poc serà una crisàlide i seguidament una radiant i acolorida papallona adulta, no un cuc. Us explicaré la història: 
L'altre dia, la meva mare va sortir al carrer -Déu sap a fer què- i quan va obrir la porta per entrar a ca nostra,  em va dir textualment: "Ara vaig a salvar aquest cuc". Jo, totalment intrigada, vaig treure el cap per la porta i el vaig veure, així com el teniu aquí davant, perdut, desorientat. Llavors, va aparèixer ma mare amb una capsa i em va dir "Això és un cuc rei, més endavant serà una papallona de molts de colors, serà una papallona guapa. Si el deixo aquí segurament el trepitjaran o potser un au se'l mengi, ja que és fàcil de veure amb aquests colors tan lluents". En definitiva, aquí el tenim, dins una capseta a casa. Vam decidir posar-li "Rainbow" -la idea fou de mon pare- perquè sabíem que quan arribés a la darrera fase de la metamorfosi, tindria unes ales de diferents colors i matisos.
Acabo d'arribar a casa. El primer que he fet és mirar dins la capsa. El cuc està enganxat a la paret i dedueixo que ja començarà a fer-se crisàlide. No puc esperar a veure la preciositat en què es tornarà! Llàstima que hagi de partir, intentaré, almenys, treurer-li una imatge per tenir un abans i un després.

Per altra banda, no puc amb la meva ànima. Tant estudiar acabarà amb mi... I no exagero.


sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

Hasta que el cuerpo aguante

Busco en el camino todas las respuestas y me he dado cuenta que están en mi, comunicador de sueños quiero ser... Músico soy, músico seré, conductor de sensaciones a tu piel, fabrico recuerdos que atas con nostalgia a mi canción. Jamás podré dejarla, mi vida es una canción, soy escultor del alma, soy músico y amo en clave de sol... Hasta que aguante mi voz. Estamos locos de atar, somos trovadores que en tu ciudad damos pinceladas de color a tu gris realidad. Somos mitad caballeros, mitad bohemios y embusteros, no somos lo que un padre quiere para su hijita bebé...

Gran grupo, de los pocos que valen la pena en castellano, y que no tienen letras típicas.


domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

Never forget to smile

A smile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he cannot get along without it and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Yet a smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile, leave one of your own, because no one needs a smile as much as those who has none to give.

That's it. Today I saw "Black swan"... It was ok, not really fantastic film...
But yesterday I saw "Das Boot" and, holly shit! It was SO amazing. I have no words to explain it. I could feel absolutely distressed as the actors were in a given moment...! I recommend it to you all ;) (It's about the World War II, fight mostly Germany-Britain).

Aaaaaaand... Well, hard weeks are coming. Just keep going on, studying, as always...


viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Zoe Jane


Well I want you to notice, to notice when I'm not around. And I know that your eyes see straight through me, and speak to me without a sound... I want to hold you, protect you from all of the things I've already endured. I want to show, show you all the things that this life has in store for you... I'll always love you, the way that a father should love his daughter. When I walked out this morning, I cried as I walked to the door, I cried about how long I'd be away for, I cried about leaving you all alone... 

As you can see with the lyrics, dedicated to his daughter.
So cute, and just amazing as always. 
I'd like to say "Yes, "weekend"!', but I guess this weekend is not going to be really funny... 
Again with exams and this stuff... Boring. But well, that's the way it is so just keep on striving.


miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

The corner

'And the stars, stars still shine, shine down through the rain... And there's the corner that I sat on, the road I walked home in the rain... And there's a star I used to wish on, it all just seems like yesterday... So I stare out this dirty window as this world goes slowly by. And somewhere out there's a future, that I once thought had passed me by. It sheltered me, from nothing but the weather...'

Another one of Staind! (My deeeear Aaron)
(I have this CD, tooooo :P)
And I want all of their CD's, just trying to obtain them... :( 
So well, I'm going to bed. Good night!


lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

El Miserere

"Esto fue, sin duda, lo que me llamó la atención primeramente; pero luego que me fijé un poco en las hojas de música, me chocó más aún el observar que en vez de esas palabras italianas que ponen en todas, como maestoso, allegro, ritardando, piú vivo, a piacere, había unos renglones escritos con letra muy menuda y en alemán, de los cuales algunos servían para advertir cosas tan difíciles de hacer como esto: Crujen..., crujen los huesos, y de sus medulas ha de parecer que salen los alardidos; o esta otra: La cuerda aúlla sin discordar, el metal atruena sin ensordecer; por eso suena todo y no se confunde nada, y todo es la Humanidad que solloza y gime; o la más original de todas, sin duda, recomendada al pie del último versículo: Las notas son huesos cubiertos de carne; lumbre inextinguible, los cielos y su armonía..., ¡fuerza!..., fuerza y dulzura."

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. "El Miserere"

So this is it, I say goodbye to this chapter of my everchanging life. And these mistakes, the path is long and I'm sure I'll answer for them when I'm gone. So when the day comes and the sun won't touch my face, tell the ones who cared enough that I finally left this place. It's been so cold... Look at my face, all the stories it will tell I can erase. The road is long, just one more song, a little something to remind you when I'm gone, when I'm gone... 

I love this song... And there's no more to say, that's all I can say about it. 
Staind; just amazing, as always.


sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

Saving us

Aquí dejo un trabajo que he encontrado navegando por la red en un blog en el que estuve comentando el año pasado para la asignatura de inglés. Debo decir que ADORO a Serj Tankian... Es mi segundo cantante favorito, especialmente por las letras, que no son las típicas canciones de amor, sino van más allá y son todas para analizar, por el hecho de que son quejas hacia la sociedad entre otras muchas cosas. En fin, es una persona muy interesante... 


Why do we sit around and                                          In this part, I think the singer wants us to
Break each others hearts tonight,                   understand that we’re greedy, we just think
Why do we dance around                               about us and we don’t care about the others,
The issues till the morning light,                       even we’re always annoying people, and
When we ­­sit and talk and                                            making more difficult their lives.
Tear each others lives apart.
You were the one to tell me go,                      Here, I understood that he’s talking about
But you were the one for me                                God. God gave hopes to him, but when he
And now you’re going through the door    really needed him (to bring peace to earth,
When you take that step                                       stop pollution and wars…), he realized that
I love you baby more and more             God wasn’t listening to his prayers and wasn’t
We need to laugh and sing and cry                              doing anything for him or this world.
And warm each others hearts tonight,
Observing the fun of everything         
And loving all of mother God,         
Then, as everything goes wrong, the news are care always sad and “we need to laugh and sing”  but we need to cry too; we’re humans. We need to take of the others, and be generous. “Observing the fun  of everything”: you can feel better  when you’re helping someone.                                                                                                                                                
Tearing us, you’re tearing us,                              
You’re breaking us, you’re breaking us,       
You’re killing us, killing us,                               
You’re saving us, you’re saving us,            
You’re tearing us, you’re tearing us,          
You’re breaking us, breaking us,                 
You’re killing us, killing us,                     
You’re saving us.                                         
In this paragraph, he’s reproaching to God. God tears us, break us and kills us when he wants, because he controls everything. It’s like the singer is wondering how God, that can became everything real, and make whatever he wants to, is not trying to end with misfortune. But, either way, people believe in God, and these people think that is saved just because of their beliefs in GodThe simple fact to believe  in someone makes us feel safe. 
Why do we sit around and
Break each others hearts tonight,
Why do we dance around
The issues till the morning light
When we sit and talk and
Tear each others lives apart,
You were the one to tell me go,
But you were the one for me
And now you’re going through the door
When you take that step
I love you baby more and more
We need to laugh and sing and cry
And warm each others hearts tonight,
Observing the fun of everything
And loving all of mother God,
Tearing us, you’re tearing us,
You’re breaking us, you’re breaking us,
You’re killing us, killing us,
You’re saving us, you’re saving us,
You’re tearing us, you’re tearing us,
You’re breaking us, breaking us,
You’re killing us, killing us,
You’re saving us,
Forever alive, forever alive, forever, forever,
Forever alive, forever alive, forever,
Never and ever again,
You’re tearing us, you’re tearing us,
You’re breaking us, you’re breaking us,
You’re killing us, killing us,
You’re saving us, you’re saving us,
You’re tearing us, you’re tearing us,
You’re breaking us, breaking us,
You’re killing us, killing us,
You’re saving us
You’re saving us
Forever alive, forever alive,
Forever, forever
Forever alive, forever alive,
Never and ever again.
[Some interesting scenes and things of the video:]
First of all, the papers that people’s holding I supose it represents what they like/what they usually/what they think about. The words written on the papers are these words:
Homeless; gambling; pharmaceuticals & meat eating; terrorism; rehab; stem cell research; big business; animal testing; bottled water; family & love, freedom; arms races; NRA, succes & reception; inmigration & marriage; nuclear testing.
Then we have a part with pictures and words changing fastly. The words are:
Greed, fear, fate, choice, consume, dream, fight, abuse, lust, martyr, deceit, waste, debt, confess, lost and destiny.
And then again with the papers:
War; legalize marijuana; religion; divorce; FBI & CIA; taxation; liposuction; big brother & education; cat rights; faith and hope. 
Minute 0:30 : The homeless is laying on the floor, when suddenly a policeman try to make him leave. Together with the lyrics (“Why do we sit around and break each others hearts tonight? Why do we dance around the issues till the morning lights?”) I think that this part wants to represent somethin like: we have our own problems, and in our world we have wars, and a lot of more important things than having to make leave a homeless. First of all we have to look at ourselves and then look at the others.
From minute 2:50 more or less until 3:10 : the homeless put his hands up as wondering why him, why is he so unfortunate, why people wants him to leave from everywhere, and looks at him in a bad way when there’s more things to care about like wars, consume, pollution… And even there’s worse people than him and they can have whatever they want, they have money, home and they can eat. But the homeless, that’s probably better person than other people, he can’t have anything and he has to survive everyday with a small amount of resources.
From minute 3:46 until 3:53 : the homeless is scavenging in trash something to eat and there’s a religious family having a lunch peacefully. They just look at him smiling, but they don’t give him any food. Serj Tankian (singer) doesn’t like religion, he doesn’t follow it, and he’s trying to make us understand that even if religion is treally rich because of people that gives money to churches etc. they’re not going to give you any help when you need it. 
From minute 4:13 until 4:26 : you can see that 2 little girls approach to the homeless and give him some money, and for the second time the homeless look at them, you can observe that in the papers is written “Faith and hope”. It wants to mean that new generations, new children borning this years are the future of our society. 
And in the end, the homeless continue with his “life”, trying to survive everyday how he can. And the video returns till the beginning. (Homeless walking around the road).
Serj Tankian is one of my favourites singers. I reckon that all his songs or almost all of them complain about something. He’s an interesting singer. I love his music. These are some reasons why I chose one of his songs.
Postscript: the explanation is written weird, but I’ve tried to update it hundred of times and it still continue like you see right now :S

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011


Not much to say, I'm here finishing my homework... Yeah, is kinda late but... Well, no way...
High-school tests keep being there, stressing me... 
I have had good marks on the exams I've already done, so I'm glad that my effort was worth it... 
And just keep going on.... As everyday. That's how human's life is. 

Today is for this fantastic music band which is from Majorca. Thats for Majorcan people who never thought that here we could have a brilliant music band as this one. They sing in English.
I went to a concert a few weeks ago, it was really amazing and I even cried 'cause of emotion. 
Long life to L.A.
