lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Ants working

Two pictures I took yesterday afternoon... 
There's no much to say, so I just leave a song I'm addicted now to. Hope u like it! :)

I REALLY LOVE THIS VIDEO. Amazing the movement effect of the water inside the glasses cause of the drums, and woman's voice... Awww! Then that person dancing in the dust or something like that. I just love it!!!


domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

¡Nueva adquisición!

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees! I have itt! I'm so excited!!
I love you Aaron Lewis, and your voice is one of the reasons that keep me alive. I pray to you, please never stop singing. 
Even though this album is kinda heavy, "The illusion of progress" with it sound and lyrics really arrived to my heart and soul. 
Nawwwwwwwwww, I'll keep on dreaming about knowing you or at least listening to you in a concert.
Staind <3


jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Some drawings...

Once uploaded my drawings, I'm going to keep studying hard... This is stressing me!!! :(
But after tomorrow I'll have some holidays so I'm going to have time for me, yayyy!! :D
Hahaha, byebye!

Here I leave the daily song I'll probably post everyday...

I wish I were in that train, travelling to London...! :(


miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Me playing the piano :)

Creo que el título lo dice todo... 

Tengo algunos más, si los queréis ver echad un vistazo a mi canal...
(Breve descanso del estudio en el que estoy metida y ahora si ya me voy por hoy) 


Hey there!

Hey! Here I am!

Well this is my first post in this blog, but either way I'm not going to make it really special. So let's just say a few things...
I created a blog just to "discover new worlds". The name I've chosen is kinda weird, but that's because I wanted it to be quite different. "Epicenter" is a place where earthquakes start, the definition probably would be: the concrete place where some facts start, or something like that. Then we have "nowhere" which I supose you know what does it mean... This name brings to my head something like "everything but nothing". So the explanation of my thoughts about it is that maybe what I'll post will be an "epicenter" for me, the beginning of something important in my life, but at the same time it could mean "nothing" for other people who doesn't really care about me... Can't explain it better... haha I hope it hasn't been so much difficult to understand, I supose it hasn't :P
I have a dilemma 'cause I don't know if I should write in english, catalan, or spanish (languages I can write/speak). I have began with english, so I'll finish at least this first post with this language. I guess I'll change of language maybe in every post... I'll try with this method for the time being.

On the other hand, I'm going to study right now. This week I'll have lots of tests and I don't know if I'll post... Perhaps it wasn't the best time to create a blog and I rushed just like so many other times I did... Okkk... 
Nothing left to say... 

Have a nice day! Thanks for reading! :)


Here I leave a song I like really much... This way you can see what do I like to listen to.

PS: this video was recorded in my country (Spain) in The Canary Islands. 
